Sunshine Marketplace

Here is a selection of photos taken at Sunshine Marketplace during April 2019, and the amount of people who have viewed it on Google Maps between then and September 2019.

The images have been views over 1.4 million times on Google Maps and Search engine in the past 6 months.

Here are some examples of the images and their view counts.

Want to see all the images – View here

Before and Afters

These photos are presenting a professional image of your tenants on Google Maps.

Customer photo
Max’s photos
This is one of the worst examples of photos I’ve seen for your shopping centre!
(I’ve asked Google to take it down)

Full Tally

Big Star Hair & Beauty 212156368
Pretty Fit Fashion203241444
Bakers Delight4939502
Donut King53469522
Sandwich Chef489198687
Black Art 597281878
Bonbons Bakery373526899
Sunshine Clothing Alterations191736927
Vodaphone 747231978
Asia Delight4775251,002
Aka Kitchen9312341,165
Muffin Break7664521,218
Chubs Kebabs3648661,230
Sunshine Marketplace Lotto8264671,293
Ferguson Plarre5178761,393
Dodo Connect1,4731,473
Beijing Massage1,5161,516
Lindy Hair & Beauty7487991,547
Phone Solution1,2714651,736
Flower Emporium5651,3631,928
Woolworths Liquor3891,8332,222
HIP Home’s Idea  2,4352,435
Kaz Denim3932,0682,461
Bendigo Bank2,4882,488
Fresh LG Seafoods1,9316532,584
Stub Cuts2,6242,624
Bag House2,3802482,628
Yes We Do2,0928202,912
E B Games1,7481,2903,038
Ishape Brow Bar2,6208393,459
Bank of Melbourne3,7733,773
Michael Hill3,1901,3244,514
Expo Shoes 4,0904514,541
Prouds Jewellers3,5421,1654,707
Yes Optus3,7251,2244,949
Decor Manchester 5,4001685,568
Sportsco 5,4661,4276,893
ANZ  Bank 1,3415,8647,205
Millers Fashion Club7,1916647,855
Medical Centre 6,6432,1048,747
Prime Cut Quality Meats8,2015838,784
Spendless Shoes 7,9428598,801
JB Hi Fi2,3067,1959,501
Michel’s Patisserie11,59159912,190
Odyssey Nail12,3351,66013,995
Woolworths   8,12810,62218,750
Smart Electricals22,7052,61425,319
Village Cinema 37162,01962,390
Big W123,11810,698133,816
Oiyishi Sushi317,4811,443318,924
Sunshine Charcoal Chicken716,0134,289720,302

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